European Film Literacy Professionals

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Arthouse Cinemas Network


Filmoteka Narodowa, ul. Puławska 61, 00-975 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 88 00 384

Target group of the activities:
educators, children,

Short description of the initiative:
Sieć Kin Studyjnych i Lokalnych (SKSiL) – Arthouse Cinemas Network runs a number of film education projects aimed at pupils of primary, middle and secondary schools as well as teachers. Most of them are classes for schools organised in cinemas across Poland, workshops and contests.

Short description of activities, achievements: – the aim of this website is to provide educational materials, primarily lesson plans
regarding the latest films, a glossary of film terms, teaching materials devoted to the use of video cameras and software installation.
> ‘Dwa srebrne ekrany’ is a competition for the most interesting statements in the discussion on a selected topic, addressed to pupils attending classes run by cinema networks. The most interesting comments are awarded film festival passes.

Coordinating institution, partners, funders:
Arthouse Cinemas Network together with local cinemas and film education organization based in Łódź – Centralny
Gabinet Edukacji Filmowej.

ECFA - Children's Film First - 2024