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Initiatives A
- access CINEMA , Ireland
- Aeroskola, Czech Republic
- Akademia Planete+ Doc, Poland
- Akademia Polskiego Filmu, Poland
- AniFest ROZAFA, Albania
- Animánie, Czech Republic
- Animated Learning – Centre for Education and Animation, Denmark
- Arrivano i film - Regione Lombardia, Italy
- Arthouse Cinemas Network, Poland
- Asocciation of the Slovak Film clubs, Slovenia
- Asociación Tambor de hojalata, Spain
- Association of Czech Film Societies, Czech Republic
- Association of Danish Film Clubs for children and young people, Denmark
Akademia Polskiego Filmu
Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 21/23, 00-071 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 42 10 559
Contact person: Natalia Chojna
Target group of the activities:
mainly university students
Short description of the initiative:
The project provides a rare chance to watch old and ambitious Polish features and such films are almost non-existent in commercial repertoire of cinemas and are hardly ever broadcasted on television.
Project’s idea refers to the exhibition ‘100 years of Polish cinema’ that was organized by the Polish Film Institute – titles chosen for the project’s programme were taken from the exhibition. The chronological construction of the programme enables participants to learn about general
tendencies typical of particular periods in Polish history and art movements.
In some of the cities, the project in open to foreigners – films, lectures and meeting with actors/filmmakers are accompanied by simultaneous interpretation.
The website
– – is a rich source of materials on history of Polish feature film: video lectures of most outstanding Polish film scholars, interviews with filmmakers, articles and reviews from magazines, posters, stills and many
fragments of books and scripts.
Short description of activities, achievements:
The project is based on weekly meetings that include: lecture, screening of two films, meeting with filmmakers and actors.
The programme consists of 96 titles divided into 4 semesters showing chronologically a wide range of names, genres and topics of Polish features.
The first semester is dedicated to films from 1908-1959, the second semester 1959-1971, the third semester 1971-1981, the fourth semester 1981-1999. Classes take place at cinemas in several cities in Poland (Warsaw, Łódź, Wrocław, Kielce, Cracow and soon in Gliwice). Lectures are recorded and can be viewed online.
Coordinating institution, partners, funders:
Polish Film Institute in partnership with local organizers in Warsaw, Łódź, Wrocław, Kielce, Cracow together with film theoreticians and academic lecturers.
Activities and partners for which you are looking for:
Open to proposals from similar activities in Europe to exchange experiences and share good practice.
ECFA - Children's Film First - 2024