European Film Literacy Professionals

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Czech Republic

Animánie o.s., z.s., Úslavská 9, 326 00 Pilsen, Czech Republic

Phone: +420 777 177 899
Contact person: Katerina Benyrova

Target group of the activities:
educators, teachers, children, schools, pupils, students, general public, other,

Short description of the initiative:
Animánie is a non-profit organization from Pilsen (Czech Republic) which focuses on audiovisual education of children and youth from 2006.

Short description of activities, achievements:
We hold yearlong courses that build skills in animation, postproduction and photography. We offer open workshops of animation, workshops for specific groups, happenings and animation programs for schools. Every year we also organize festival of animated films with competitive screenings of films made by kids, youth and students from 6 to 26 years of age, this year with international participation. Part of Animánie Festival 2016 will be Film Literacy Colloquium.

Coordinating institution, partners, funders:
We are supported by Ministry of Culture, Pilsen Region, Pilsen 2015, we also get financial contributions from private donors and courses.

Activities and partners for which you are looking for:
We think sharing methodology and experience is very important in education. We are open to collaborate on international projects. We would like to invite new partners to participate in our Animanie Festival 2016.

ECFA - Children's Film First - 2024